Reflect. Release. Reclaim.

Now available to download as a video workshop with a bonus workbook.

Join me for a workshop of meditation, journal reflections, releasing exercises & intention setting designed to help you find clarity around the events of 2020.


reflect.release. reclaim.

It was a year that no one saw coming. Unprecedented in so many ways. Yet through all of the upheaval, heartache, confusion and displacement, there are silver linings woven through the fabric of 2020 that will forever change us.

The energetic cleanse you’ve been waiting for…


Join me, Jordanna Levin, for this pre-recorded video workshop to give 2020 the recognition it deserves.

2020 has been a year that has forced you to transform and grow in ways you never have before.

Unless you take the time to truly REFLECT on what it has taught us how are you able to heal?

You must be able to RELEASE all that has surfaced throughout the year so that you are able to forgive, process and move on.

To really embody and integrate all that 2020 has offered you and own the changes that have taken place it’s important to RECLAIM who you want to be as you move into a new year. It is from this space that you are able to manifest, call in, and create a life you’re excited to be living.

What: A night of meditation, journalling, releasing exercises and intention setting.

What’s included: A video of the workshop PLUS a Reflect. Release. Reclaim workbook.

Cost: A one off payment of $50.

Please note: This is a recording of a workshop that I ran for a group of people via zoom in November 2020. This is NOT a live event.