Celestial Storytelling

Level 1: Unlocking the natal chart

In this 8 week course you will learn the key foundations of interpreting a natal chart.

At the conclusion of Level 1 you will understand the basic structure of a natal chart by combining the wisdom of the planets, signs and houses.

What’s inside the course?

  • Week 1


    Explore the basics of astrology by understanding the zodiac belt, the ecliptic, the equinox, the angles of the chart and the hemispheres.

  • Week 2


    Identify patterns and themes in a natal chart by discovering the intricacies of the elements, modes and polarities with in the chart.

  • Week 3


    This week we explore the first five planets; the Luminaries (Sun & Moon), and the Personal Planets (Mercury, Venus & Mars).

  • Week 4


    Continue your journey through the planets as we dive deep into the remaining five; Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.

  • Week 5


    The Signs motivate the planets. This is the week you will finally understand why the signs are the way the are and how they reflect the evolution of the soul.

  • Week 6


    Explore the houses in the simplest of terms so you can grasp their importance in the chart and their ability to shape the interpretation of a planetary placement.

  • Week 7


    There are several cosmic contributors that add to your natal chart that are not planets. Chiron, The South Node & The North Node are three such placements.

  • Week 8


    By the end of this final week you will be able to do a basic interpretation of a natal chart. Learn how to give a reading for yourself and your friends.

How the course works…

Sign-ups for 2024 have now closed.

Each Monday of the course a new lesson is unlocked that contains a downloadable PDF full of that weeks contents.

Join me each week for a live webinar where I will build on that weeks content, use students natal charts to explain further and answer any questions. There will be two available time slots each week for the live webinar to cater for different time zones.

You can join whichever you prefer:

Wednesday evenings at 7pm AEST/ 8am GMT / 9am CET

Thursday mornings at 8am AEST / 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 10pm CET

There is homework most week’s which you are encouraged to complete, however it is not mandatory. Completed homework will be revised by me and you will receive feedback via a voice note.

*Note: If you cannot make the live calls a recording will be available within 24 hours on the course platform. Questions can be submitted prior to the webinar so that your question can be answered even if you’re not there live on the call.

Meet your teacher…

Hey! I’m Jordanna Levin, the host of the popular Australian astrology podcast, Lunar Lover, and the bestselling author of three (soon to be four) personal development books, including international bestseller, Make It Happen. I have been working with astrology for the past 6 years and I am passionate about reframing the way we use astrology as a self awareness practice. My Gemini Sun in the 12th house, Virgo Moon in the 3rd house, Gemini Rising and Taurus Mercury in the 11th house makes me pretty much born to teach astrology to communities of people in a really practical, digestible and applicable manner, and while I love doing personalised readings with clients, I am ready to now pass on the gift of reading natal charts to my students.

What sets this course apart from other astrology courses?

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    I’ve designed this course in such a way that each week builds on your knowledge from the previous week in a really clear and digestible way.

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    The success of Lunar Lover has been due to the fact that I have a really down-to-earth, practical and witty way of explaining the intricacies of astrology. This course endeavours to play to that skill set.

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    If you’ve ever had an astrology reading with me, you’ll know that I relay the information so that it is as applicable and useful as possible. You will learn exactly how to do that in this course.

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    Astrology can be confusing and complicated. I have simplified the teachings so that you’re not missing out on content while still being explained in a really understandable manner.

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    This course is 100% interactive. Each week you will join me for a live call where you can ask me questions. You will also receive homework that I will personally provide feedback for via voice notes.

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    I believe the gift of a good astrologer is the ability to weave stories, listen and observe. It is my mission to pass the techniques I have mastered in this area on to you through this course.

Sign-ups for Celestial Storytelling Level 1 have closed for 2024.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • After Level 1, no, but after Level 2 you will have all of the knowledge you need to do a complete natal chart reading for someone.

  • It has not been finalised but at this stage I would like to begin in July 2024. This will give you a few months between Level 1 finishing and Level 2 beginning.

  • I have designated 2 time slots to help accomodate for multiple time zones. However, all live webinars will be recorded and uploaded within 24 hours to the online platform.

  • At this stage I will only be running each level once a year, but that may change.

  • No. You would be suprised about the intricacies of astrology and how little you actually know about astrology from Google. I have designed this course so that each week builds on the next and the same goes for each level of the course.

  • Absolutely. You will learn so much about yourself through this course.